This week Sandra had been recovering from reconstructive surgery.

Well I've done it and it looks like I've survived but I must confess I have been feeling pretty dreadful. I was so ill after the operation and had terrible sickness.

Everyone tried to talk me out of it but I was so determined and now I have to say it was definitely the right thing to do.

The surgeon did an amazing job. I'm completely in awe of him. I had one breast removed in June 2004 and I always wanted the other one removed but they would not do it because my body was not strong enough.

I was like a sulky little girl but now I just know he was so right.

All credit to the surgeon, he's a brilliant man and I have no regrets at all. I mostly slept for the six days after the surgery. Shock horror - I have actually lost my appetite. I eat all the time and I kept putting on weight but even with this enormous breast I have lost weight. I am still eating and being sensible but I just don't have such a big appetite.

I should have had a boob job years ago. I have had two really awful years of having horrible things pumped into me and having my breast removed and losing my hair. Having had this done I realise body image means a lot to me. I feel like a different person, I'm really chuffed. I can't wait to get little tops on and go out but I try to remember my age.

For a few days I had a constant migraine and nothing was reaching it. I have got this weakness and I feel almost like a crystal glass with a crack in it.

When you pour boiling water into it it shatters and that's what my body is like.

My visits from Jacob and Lewis and Tom were the best. The boys made me some cards. Lewis's had love hearts on it and when I stuck it up all the hearts fell off and my bed was covered in them.

Jacob created an interesting design around what I believe to be a pair of breasts with the words "Get well soon" incorporated.

The whole time I was in there I was desperate to see them but I did not want them to come until they asked.

They are going to see me ill enough so I don't want them to associate me with tubes and all that negative stuff. My brother's girlfriend gave me Jordan's book. She feels I could probably relate to her now. I have only read the first page but it tickled me when I opened it. All my family and friends have been really great.

We had a trip to casualty on Tuesday evening. I was in a bit of pain and then we noticed a substantial amount of blood had seeped through my pretty white nighty and fluffy white dressing gown.

I must have looked a vision going to casualty with my now pallid skin, very flat hair, the most comfy pair of jimjams I could find, my surgical stockings, slip on shoes, blood-soaked towel and designer coat.

I did not care what I looked like when I arrived but it was plain embarrassing when I left. I was so pleased I did not see anyone I knew.

I saw my GP the next day because I was in quite a lot of pain. It was lovely to see him, he's a really kind doctor and I feel totally relaxed with him.

I am always conscious of the demands on doctors and I always worry about wasting their time but he never makes me feel like that.

They have taken down the tree next to the one planted for me because it had died. I feel like there must be some kind of significance in terms of one life cycle ending and another beginning. I felt so sad when they took it out and I cannot help thinking deeply about it.

Jacob's school had a dressing up competition for World Book Day. There were eight winners out of 421 students and Jacob was one of them.

That was great because I do worry I'm not there and not strong enough to do that kind of thing with him. My mum and Jacob designed this outfit for a vampaneze, a character from the Darren Schan books which he absolutely loves.

He had purple skin but there was no purple face paint so my mum had to mix red and blue and white. He had bright orange hair and a pair of my old workout leggings which he cut holes in and an old tee-shirt.

I thought no one would know what he was and he should be going as Harry Potter but I should have had more faith.

When he came back he had this big grin on his face.

Lewis has been adorable. He keeps wrapping me up presents. He's wrapped up money, he's wrapped up a stone, he's wrapped up a Fantastic Four DVD.

The boys both come straight in from school and give me lots of gorgeous cuddles, I love them so much.