When you have a baby all ideas of which way round the day is (or even week, month etc) and how much sleep you need at a time is totally turned upside down and sideways.

This week we have experienced a night of a six hour sleep, followed by small hour long ones and last night in blocks of three hours. As a mainly breastfeeding mommy whenever baby is awake so am I, but whenever she is asleep during the day I can't seem to nod off. Instead I am making sure this time is spent trying to relax for one block or doing house hold chores.

Patterns of sleep and routines during the first six weeks are non existant, so I have been told, and there are many growth spurts in this time. Growth spurts seems to be every other day at this point and I have to admit I feel like my boobs are out every five minutes for feeding at these times.

The nightly formula feed is working well for me. It means I get a break from breast feeding, which often I find quite exhausting by early evening, and Gav can bond during a feed Isobel.

Izzy has also started smiling, it is joyous to watch. I am disregarding all that say it is wind because I want to believe that all of those smiles are my reward for trying to be a good mother.

I'll take those gorgeous smiles over sleep anyday!