What better way to start than with a story combining two Argus specialist subjects - security fears and Fat Boy Slim.

Norman Cook has revealed his son may have come close to triggering a security alert yesterday when he “rode into one of the metal detectors” guarding the conference secure zone.

But Norm told the BBC’s Andrew Marr the conference circus was something Brighton had come to accept, and even welcome.

He said: “It’s not something we are used to but I lived here when the Grand Hotel got bombed and it’s a necessary evil. Aside from the ring of steel I think the people of Brighton would want to welcome anyone.”

Appearing on Marr’s show to raise the profile of his Oxfam work on climate change, Mr Slim also paid his own tribute to his adoptive city.

“One of the things I have always liked about Brighton it’s always been a progressive and a forward looking city,” he said.

“Brighton is very tolerant about politics, lifestyles, there’s a big gay population, a lot of anarchists and a fair amount of muesli eaters as well.”