I’m tired again. My legs ache. But I still dragged myself down to PV for a 1:30 lunch only to find to my absolute horror, they had sold out. So I moseyed on down to the Marlborough and had another bloody Mary but at least this time it had real celery. They had a superb brunch menu, but I was on the hunt for something more substantial. Oh yes, that’s right a full queens size breakfast with added portions stolen from a sailor boy who was too hung over to notice. I then headed off to the RBar to watch their 8 hour cabaret extravaganza. But as I was so tired from being up till 3 am in the police station I actually went home for a couple of hours more sleep before I returned to the RBar – which the last couple of hours I saw were amazing. Miss Jason and Maisie Trollette finished off the night and thanks to RBar and Jamie Watson for organising the day.

The Pride in Pictures special edition yesterday was fabulous. A pink copy of the paper. I scrambled to a copy first thing to see all the amazing pictures. I am looking forward to going to get the one today Today is the final day of the festival… And to finish off the 10days it is the official closing party at the Queens Arms with Miss Jason and Maisie Trollette again but I am on the keyboards playing for them. It is an interesting feeling now that it is over.

Thank you to everyone who took part in the week’s events, from our sponsors and businesses in the town who make it all possible and the media partners including the Argus for their fantastic coverage. Thank you to all the parters like the police, council, fire brigade, and other emergency services.

Without all them and the staff and volunteers we couldn’t make it happen Here’s to Pride 2009 and we are looking for the theme. If you have any ideas go to www.brightonpride.org to see pictures and email us your theme ideas