The next stage of a controversial housing development in Crowborough is set to go in front of Wealden planners next week.

On Thursday Wealden District Council’s planning committee north is due to consider a reserved matters application on plans to build 130 homes at the Brookview site in Walshes Road.

The scheme was granted outline planning permission in December 2020, meaning the principle of development has already been established. This application seeks permission for details of the proposal, including layout and building design.

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Despite this previous permission, the application has seen a number of objections from both Rotherfield Parish Council and Crowborough Council. Both councils have raised concerns about the impact of the scheme on highways and other local infrastructure.

Crowborough Town Council also raised specific concerns about drainage.In comments included as part of a report to the committee, a town council spokesman said: “The town council recommends refusal. It is concerned that the proposed drainage is inadequate given the condition of the site.

“The currently greenfield site slopes downhill towards the existing stream, which is already prone to localised flooding and coupled with the extra run off from the new impermeable surfaces this is likely to exacerbate the situation.”

The town council has also raised concerns about foul sewerage flooding. These concerns are not shared by the district council’s planning officers, however.

In a response to the town council, a Wealden planning officer wrote: “East Sussex County Council … as the statutory consultee have raised no objections to surface water drainage and are satisfied that the development will manage flood risk effectively. Final details will be approved through the condition discharge process.

“The outline planning permission has a Grampian condition that requires any works required to upgrade the infrastructure sufficiently to provide capacity for the new development [to] be undertaken prior to acceptance of the development’s foul sewerage.”

Overall, Wealden planning officers are recommending approval of the reserved matters application subject to conditions.

For further information see application WD/2023/0803/MRM on the Wealden District Council website.